I've joined during a critical time in the campaign.

Hello, everyone! I’m Brian, Mikie’s new finance director.

We're going to be talking often over the next 11 months -- because defending Mikie’s seat begins and ends with grassroots supporters like you.

I’ll be honest: I joined Mikie’s team because this is one of the most important 2020 races out there.

Mikie’s race could determine control of the House. That’s big.

I’m here to make sure we have the money to win next year. That’s why I’m reaching out now -- will you make a contribution before midnight to help us reach the most important FEC deadline yet?

Express Donate $5
Express Donate $10
Express Donate $25
Donate Other Amount

I’ve joined the team at a critical time: There’s less than a month left before 2020 is officially here.

As we enter the final months of this campaign, we’ll need to ramp up our organizing efforts, because Washington Republicans will ramp up their attacks.

We need to raise $5,000 before midnight to stay on track to reach our end-of-year goal. If we miss goals, we won’t be able to scale up and meet the demands of this rigorous time in the campaign.

Chip in before midnight tonight,

Thanks for all your help! I'm looking forward to working with you.


Brian Derrick
Finance Director
Mikie Sherrill for Congress


Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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