Volume 71 | September 3rd, 2022

This Week at the NYGOP

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Dear Friend,

It's Labor Day weekend which means that the mission to save our state enters the final and most critical home stretch going into the Fall. Our statewide Republican team has been working tirelessly to earn every vote they can before Election Day. I cannot stress enough how important your support is, in any form during these next two months. There are 3 main ways you can make a difference:

  1. Donate - Consider a monthly commitment until November. Click Here to chip in.
  2. Volunteer Time - Consider giving 2 or more hours of your weekends or free time per week to making calls or knocking doors for candidates. Click here to put your name down.
  3. Share and amplify - Consider forwarding this email to your contact list. Also, engage and share our messages and our candidates' messages on social media. 

We know that losing is not an option and this is an all-hands-on-deck mission. Just listen to the rhetoric from Kathy Hochul and Joe Biden these past two weeks--they are on their own mission to remake America and New York into their socialist dictatorship. They have no respect for you or your values. Their goal is to stomp out any opposition to impose their far-left agenda. Don't agree with their big-government, pro-criminal, anti-police agenda? You are labeled a national threat and you're not a real New Yorker. 

They are going to spend the remainder of this campaign trying to bait New Yorkers with their divisive hate speech. They have to because they know they can't win on their failed record. 

That's why our message of restoring common sense and safety to New York is resonating with New Yorkers of all political persuasions. With Lee Zeldin at the top of our ticket, this is our last chance to save our state. Our momentum is building stronger every day, but we must continue to organize and spread our message of change. Let's keep it up--the next generation is counting on us! 


Nick Langworthy

NYGOP Chairman

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

America is GREAT because of the dedication and perseverance of our diverse workforce. You are the backbone of our nation and we give our never-ending thanks and gratitude to you. 

Have a fun and relaxing Labor Day!

WATCH: NYGOP Chairman Langworthy Joins 'Real America' on OAN

NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy joins Real America with Dan Ball on OAN to discuss Kathy Hochul telling New Yorkers who don't agree with her to leave New York and the #BidenBorderCrisis.


Candidate Of The Week

Rich David

Candidate for State Senate

District 52






Rich moved to this area more than two decades ago and quickly fell in love – with the scenery, the history, the opportunities, and, most of all, the people. His love for the area led him toward a career in public service with the City of Binghamton, where he worked as deputy mayor, learning the essentials of local government. When term limits brought a new mayor into office, Rich switched paths to join SUNY Broome as part of its public relations team. But after years of watching Binghamton decline due to government mismanagement and neglect, he decided it was his time to run for mayor. He took office in 2014, and got to work right away. 

​As Binghamton’s mayor, Rich has led the City’s economic recovery and restored quality of life for residents. This has meant leading major efforts to eliminate blight and vacant properties, rebuild the local infrastructure and invest in Binghamton’s future. 

Now, Rich David is running for state Senate because he believes more must be done at the state level to ensure a better future for this region. One-party rule has led to an agenda that puts downstate wants over our area’s needs. Because of that, our communities’ economic development has stagnated and our farming families have suffered. Small businesses hurt by the Covid-19 pandemic are at risk of closing their doors permanently, and families are struggling with the uncertainty of the future. 

Public safety has become an urgent crisis across this state. A radical “defund the police” agenda and changes to bail and parole have put violent criminals back into communities and put innocent lives in danger. Rich has experience working directly with law enforcement to make neighborhoods safer. We can count on him to continue to fully support our police and work to provide them with the resources and backing they need to protect residents and end the epidemic of violent crime plaguing New York State.

Safe streets. A strong infrastructure. Vibrant local economies. These are the building blocks every community needs to grow and improve.

NYGOP Must See News:

Zeldin, New York GOP candidates use WNY case to hammer state's bail laws

Spectrum News

Zeldin, Esposito and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Pinion all spoke out Thursday in Buffalo against a system that would allow Saracina to walk free. Zeldin said under the current laws, the judge had no discretion to hold the suspect in February. The protective order violation also came before tweaks to the bail law included in the state budget. Zeldin said it's an example of how the Legislature didn't go far enough. "Why wouldn't the judge have discretion, even at that point, once the budget passes, to be able to have this person remanded but it wasn't retroactive?" Zeldin said.Democratic state leaders have said judges are not setting bail in cases when they can. Gov. Kathy Hochul said people aren't being charged properly by prosecutors. State GOP Chair and congressional candidate Nick Langworthy said Hochul will not make any significant changes to the bail laws, giving judges more discretion and allowing them to consider how dangerous a person may be to society. He said that's why people should vote for Zeldin and Esposito. "Stand up and say let's go save this state. Let's go give a voice to the victims in this state," Langworthy said.

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More than 200 rally with GOP gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin on Staten Island

Staten Island Advance

Congressman Lee Zeldin, Republican gubernatorial candidate, held a rally at the Elks Club in Greenridge Monday night that drew more than 200 supporters, including many of the Island’s elected Republicans. The overriding theme was the Island’s strong support for the GOP, with South Shore Councilman Joseph Borelli pointing out that Staten Island can be considered the most Republican-leaning part of the city. In addition to Borelli, the lineup of GOP speakers included Borough President Vito Fossella, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, City Councilman David Carr, state Sen. Andrew Lanza, Assemblyman Mike Reilly, Assemblyman Michael Tannousis, senatorial candidate Joe Pinion, state assembly candidate Sam Pirozzolo and artist Scott LoBaido, among a number of others.

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DeSantis calls Hochul ‘ridiculous’ for telling conservatives to leave New York

New York Post

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ripped New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Tuesday for suggesting at a rally earlier this month that Empire State conservatives should take a hike. “You have the governor of New York saying all Republicans need to get on a bus and leave the state and come to Florida,” DeSantis said at an unrelated press conference. “Who would say something so ridiculous? To say if you don’t agree with me then you don’t even have a right to be here.” Hochul raised eyebrows for saying her conservative nemeses — including former President Donald Trump, gubernatorial opponent Lee Zeldin and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro — have no place in her state. “Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. OK? Get out of town. Because you don’t represent our values,” Hochul said. “You’re not New Yorkers.”

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Gov. Hochul declares 'theory' of ‘good guy with a gun’ stopping armed 'bad guys' is over

Fox News

Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul declared at an event celebrating the implementation of stricter gun laws that the "theory" of "a good guy with a gun" stopping "bad guys" with guns is over in the Empire State. "This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn't hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over," Hochul said Wednesday.  Her comments came amid the state rolling out new laws in response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this year that New York’s regulations on obtaining a concealed carry permit were unconstitutionally restrictive.  Critics took to social media to mock the new laws, arguing criminals will disregard the rules, while law-abiding gun owners will comply and not have an opportunity to prevent deaths in the event of a tragic shooting. 

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GOP spending $1 million to topple DCCC chair Sean Patrick Maloney

New York Post

The House GOP’s political action committee is spending $1 million in TV ads to help Republican state Assemblyman Mike Lawler defeat Democratic Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney in New York’s 17th Congressional District. Maloney is chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising arm for House Democrats. Lawler, an assemblyman representing Rockland County, is hoping a red wave will aid his bid to topple Maloney, who is running for a sixth term in the Hudson Valley.

The newly drawn 17th CD takes in parts of Westchester County, all of Rockland and Putnam counties and parts of Dutchess County. “This investment from the Congressional Leadership Fund confirms that this is a real race. They’re seeing what we’re saying. This is a wave election year and time to put this seat into play,” Lawler said. “Inflation, taxes, crimes. One party rule does not work,” added Lawler, rapping Maloney’s voting record for President Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.

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