![]() Patriot, The recent flood of news surrounding Mitch McConnell’s campaign dealings spells danger for Second Amendment supporters. As Senate Minority Leader, McConnell is a significant factor to keeping the Republicans in opposition to the Democrats’ radical “Assault Weapons Ban.” But McConnell’s high-profile deal-making raises the real concern that your constitutional rights might be used as a “bargaining chip” with any high-profile donor. There were many headlines last week surrounding McConnell’s meeting with a major donor and tech billionaire. What are this donor’s views on the Second Amendment? Who knows – but gun rights are rarely a concern of billionaires. We do know McConnell is in full deal-making mode right now, and your liberties are at extreme risk. Even if you’ve already sent your message to Mitch McConnell, sending it again doesn’t hurt, and keeps the pressure up. Remember: Senator Mitch McConnell happily joined with radical anti-gun Democrats to pass one of the most damaging gun control bills in decades. The misnamed “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,” which is now law of the land, weakened our Second Amendment rights by bribing states to pass Red Flag gun confiscation laws that effectively declare “open season” on patriots. It also included a backdoor for Universal Gun Registration through background checks. McConnell not only failed to take any meaningful action to stop the bill . . . he not only greenlit negotiations on the bill with Senate anti-gunners . . . but he also joined fourteen other turncoat Republican Senators in voting for it. Then Joe Biden and the Democrats doubled down on their assault on the Second Amendment. . . But thanks to all of your petitions, letters, and phone calls, the Democrats’ radical gun control scheme – which would ban the most popular rifles in America – has not yet come up for a vote in the U.S. Senate. “Yet.” You and I simply cannot stand down until this session ends. The anti-gun Democrats are desperate to pass every type of gun control possible while they still can. Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), headed by radical anti-gun fanatic Steve Dettelbach, just implemented a rule to restrict the sales of gun parts, requiring they be tracked just like whole firearms. Recently, media reported Democrat Senators Ed Markey (MA), Richard Blumenthal (CT), Cory Booker (NJ), Chris Murphy (CT), and Dianne Feinstein (CA) sent threatening letters to UPS and 27 other carriers, blaming them for escalating violent crime rates for “lax security measures” related to shipping firearms parts and peppering them with 20 questions and document requests. In response, UPS preemptively terminated numerous gun dealers’ accounts. Just this week, Joe Biden himself said he is “determined to ban assault weapons” and sneered at Second Amendment supporters, saying, “you need an F-15” to fight “a country,” not a gun. It was a typical expression of Joe Biden’s hatred for at least 50% of the American people. Hence his desire to disarm us. Not only are the authoritarians still trying to ram their “assault weapons ban” through the Senate, they also have a backup plan: A bill to impose a 1000% tax on what they deem “assault weapons,” which includes the most popular rifles in America. In other words, a $600 AR-15 would cost $6,600. Making it completely unaffordable to exercise your right to self-defense should be recognized as flagrantly unconstitutional. But would you count on Congress or the courts to do the right thing? We certainly would not! At the state level, we’re seeing Democrat-controlled states pressuring and demanding financial services companies like American Express and MasterCard to “flag” gun store purchases and build out private involvement in the surveillance state. Patriot, the assault on your right to keep and bear arms is coming from every direction. As long as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) keeps the Republican caucus firm in its opposition, the “Assault Weapons Ban” cannot pass the Senate. But that is not a given. Our sources on Capitol Hill tell us they expect the “Assault Weapons Ban” bill will come up, given the Senate is entering the final weeks in session before the election. All the more reason you and I need to tell Mitch McConnell right now, if he buckles, there will be a reckoning in November. Remember, weak Republicans have betrayed our Second Amendment rights before . . . and not that long ago. Just a few months ago, McConnell gave his stamp of approval for Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) to work with Democrats on a Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill that ultimately passed because of support from weak-kneed Republicans. And many of these Republican senators voted to confirm the anti-Second Amendment Merrick Garland for Attorney General last year. Plain and simple: Do do not count on Republicans to do the right thing without being asked. Tell Mitch McConnell right now: NO GUN CONTROL DEALS! Remember, politicians in Washington are watching their mail. They need to know how white-hot this issue is. And there would be nothing more disastrous for the GOP than to give the anti-gun Democrats a huge win going into the election. They act like they don’t care how many letters and petitions you send – because they want you to stop sending them. In reality, the voters are the one thing they fear. They want the table’s turned . . . they want YOU to fear THEM. They think if you fear them, you won’t speak out and you won’t fight for your liberty. Because they fear you, they want your silence. Don’t give it to them. Sign the letter demanding Mitch McConnell HOLD THE LINE on H.R. 1808 and any other gun control bills right now! After you’ve signed, please consider a donation to Campaign for Liberty. Our battles are many these days, and your support means a lot to Dr. Paul and our staff. As we head into the fall and a lame duck session, our work will only increase as Congress attempts to throw more fuel on the fire. You and I must continue to fight for liberty and our rights. So after signing your letter to Mitch McConnell, please make a generous donation, whether it be $10 or $500 or $1,000 or more, so we can keep up the fight. This is an important battle you and I cannot ignore. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and other statists are taking all they can, while they can. Unless you and I step up to stop them from infringing on our rights, they will succeed. But with your help and financial support, Campaign for Liberty can be a huge part of the movement to stop their power grab. Please sign your letter to Mitch McConnell now, forward this message to your friends, and make a generous contribution, whether it be $10, $1,000, or something in-between. On behalf of Dr. Paul, thank you for all you do. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. You can stop the latest assault on the Second Amendment. You’ve done it before. Contact Mitch McConnell right now! And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. 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