As your Secretary of State, Jena has done so much to protect voting rights and ensure that starting a business in Colorado is easy. Thanks to Jena’s work in state government, it now costs only $1 to open a new business in the state of Colorado.


As your Secretary of State, Jena has done so much to protect voting rights and ensure that starting a business in Colorado is easy.

Thanks to Jena’s work in state government, it now costs only $1 to open a new business in the state of Colorado.

Small businesses are the backbone of Colorado. Jena knows that it should be easy for Coloradans to follow their dreams and contribute to the vibrant fabric of Colorado living.

Jena needs your help to win re-election this year so she can keep up the work she has been doing! Will you show your support by chipping into her campaign now?

When you join Jena in the fight for re-election, you are a part of a movement for a better future in Colorado. One where our economy is thriving, our citizens are engaged, and our democracy is strong.

Take a moment and rush in a donation to keep Jena at the helm and keep improving Colorado for EVERYONE.

Jena for Colorado

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Paid for by Jena for Colorado. Rachel Gordon, Registered Agent.

Jena for Colorado
P.O. Box 270218
Louisville, CO 80027
United States