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Weekend Edition, September 3-4, 2022


EU Threatened With Complete Halt of Russian Gas Supplies

RT News

All ‘Bivalent Boosted’ Mice Got Covid When Challenged

Igor Chudov

Where ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ Really Come From

L. Reichard White

My Wife Has Surgery, I’m Not Wearing a Mask. What Do I Do?

Allan Stevo

Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy, and the Truth About Collectivist Political Madness

Gary D. Barnett

Biden Launches Attack on MAGA

Moon of Alabama

Tucker Carlson Reacts to Biden’s Speech

Alexandra Bruce

Power Company Seizes Control of Thermostats in Colorado During Heatwave

Paul Joseph Watson

Documents Leaked From the EMA Confirms Why We Aren’t Allowed to Analyze the Vaccine Vials

Steve Kirsch

Elitists Are Turning America Into The Tower Of Babel

Chuck Baldwin

The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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