‘We can’t afford this anymore’: Extinction Rebellion takes action inside Parliament to demand a Citizens’ Assembly

Hello John

A recent Ipsos poll found 8 out of 10 UK citizens are concerned about the climate crisis and over 52% think the UK Government’s Net Zero 2050 plan is too late; that's 35 million people. Yet both Sunak & Truss plan to increase new fossil fuels.


We can’t afford afford this anymore. 


That's why Extinction Rebellion took action yesterday. Four women superglued together around the Speaker's Chair inside the commons chamber. They spoke these words before being arrested: 


“It is possible to act on climate and costs in a way that is fair and supports everyone. But our political system is too out of date and out of touch to see beyond the next election cycle and do what needs to be done.


"We need new ways of making decisions where more voices are heard, not just those at the top. We need a Citizens’ Assembly, NOW!” 


Do you think politicians are failing us?

Are you wondering what you can you do?

By donating, you will be supporting all the work that we have planned in September. We are building our teams, funding a bus tour and much more.


Are you signed up to take part on September 10th? Tell us you're coming!


You can also help by amplifying the action. Like, comment and share!
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Also, check out this video about Citizens' Assemblies!


An obedient population teaches power what it can get away with. We choose to disobey. We refuse to let the future be decided by politicians who only care about themselves. 


People power can change the course of history.






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