Victory: Texas State Board of Education Halts Revision of Social Studies Standards

Austin, TX –  September 2, 2022: Today, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) voted 8-7 to delay the process for reviewing and revising the Social Studies standards. The SBOE plans to revisit the process in 2025. This decision comes after many parents and members of the public expressed concern over the radical content in the drafts presented to the board over the last few months.

In addition to discontinuing the Social Studies revision process, the SBOE voted 13-0 to stop the drafts on ethnic studies that many testifiers complained included Critical Race Theory.

Mary Elizabeth Castle, Senior Policy Advisor for Texas Values, released this statement:

“Today’s vote to stop the radical “woke” takeover of the Social Studies TEKS is a victory for parents and kids in Texas. Now, the State Board of Education has time to get it right and consider better TEKS that will continue to teach about patriotic historical values and Judeo-Christian heritage in American and Texas History.”

The SBOE did decide in a 14-0 vote to proceed with making the current Social Studies TEKS align with the newly passed SB 3 law known as the anti-Critical Race Theory Law. The vote is a result of the SB 3 requirement that all Social Studies standards be in compliance with the law at an implementation date no later than 2025. Next steps in the process include having the Board vote to implement elements of Senate Bill 3 into current TEKS so as to comply with the new law. Drafts with these additions and changes from Senate Bill 3 will most likely be available at a future meeting.

Texas Values will continue to advocate for and provide updated information about this and other topics, as they relate to faith, family, and freedom issues in the Lone Star State.


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