What a week it’s been. Have you been keeping up with the news?
First, we saw the outcome of Alaska’s first election using Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). The system worked perfectly to capture the views of the majority of Alaskans, and means that the next member of Congress for Alaska won with over 50% of the vote. It’s not about which party won the election, it’s about fixing our broken elections, and Alaska shows that our plan is working.
Then, last night, President Biden finally addressed the threats to American democracy that our supporters and partners have been working on for years.
But even though the president spoke about the crisis in our political system, he didn't talk about solutions. Here's the good news: RepresentUs has been working to fix our broken democracy for a decade – and we’re winning. Join our volunteer community on Slack to learn how you can help secure democracy-saving reforms city by city, state by state.

We’re bringing people together from all over the U.S. to put country over party in the name of democracy. Our movement is putting power back in the hands of the voters and fixing our broken elections. And while we’ve already racked up 161 pro-voter victories over the last 10 years, that doesn’t mean we're letting off the gas now.
In 2022 we’re running campaigns to pass RCV in states like Nevada and cities like Portland, Oregon; Fort Collins, Colorado; and Evanston, Illinois. And we’re working on anti-corruption campaigns in states from Maine to Arizona. These campaigns will build on our momentum and bring us closer to a government that represents the voters, not special interests and self-serving politicians.
I hope you’ll get involved – however you can – to help us create a stronger democracy where every voter is heard. Join our Slack community today to connect with volunteer leaders and learn how you can help.
The threats we’re facing from anti-democracy extremists are daunting, but we’ve got a spark of momentum right now. It's time to get to work.
Thank you for joining the push to win this year.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs