Okanogan Fire District 6 Grand Opening

This past Saturday, Okanogan Fire District 6 celebrated the grand opening of their brand new, state-of-the-art facility in Winthrop. The public was invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony to tour the new expansive site. The 12,000-square-foot fire station will accommodate eight vehicle bays, a dormitory, meeting rooms, electronic communications gear, and a vocational training facility. 

It is tradition for firefighters to push the first fire engine by hand into the equipment bay. This dates back to when fire apparatus was pulled by draft horses, as the horses could not back the equipment into the bay.

Pictured to the left are Okanagan Firefighters partaking in this tradition.

Pictured on the right is the Raising of the Stars and Stripes for the first time and the dedication of the station to the late Fire Chief Don Waller. 

Okanogan Fire District 6's new station was the vision of the late Chief Waller, who advocated tirelessly to create the development plan for the new facility.

Okanogan Fire District 6 is staffed by 6 full-time and 45 volunteer firefighters. District 6 is among the largest districts in Washington, covering over 300 square miles. They have fought two of the largest wildfires in state history in addition to supporting 5,300 residents. Thank you to all of our firefighters who work tirelessly to protect our communities, especially during wildfire season

Inflation is a Tax on All Americans

Since President Biden took office, inflation has soared from 1.5% in January to 8.5% in July of this year. And who is paying the price? The American people.

And to make matters worse, House Democrats and the Biden Administration passed the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, which is filled with policies that will do little to reduce the effects of inflation

To reverse the effects of Democrats' inflationary policies, we must restore American energy independence to lower energy prices, and in turn, make basic goods affordable for families once more. 

I am determined to rein in reckless spending and will continue to work to provide relief to Central Washington and the American people

Be Prepared: Wildfire Resource Kit

The catastrophic wildfires facing our region are—unfortunately—something we have come to expect during the dry, summer months. That said, I encourage you to continue to take caution to protect your families, homes, businesses, and communities. I am working in Congress to ensure our region receives the federal assistance we need to fight and manage these wildfires. Below is a link to a list of federal, state, and local resources to help keep you and your families safe from wildfires. As we continue to navigate these disasters, I will work to ensure this list includes the most up-to-date information possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you or a loved one be in need of assistance or guidance. We stand ready to help in any way we can.

Central Washington Wildfire Resources Kit

We Must Secure Our Border to Protect Our Communities

Criminals are benefiting from President Biden's open-border policies, bringing deadly fentanyl into our country which is now the leading cause of overdose deaths in America.

This past week, we recognized Overdose Awareness Day and shed light on this crisis that is plaguing our communities. We must work to secure our southern border to stop illegal drugs from flooding into our communities, and I am determined to do just that.

I have introduced the Upholding the Law at Our Border Act to require the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the vetting and processing of migrants apprehended along the southern border and ensure that all laws are being upheld

It is past time the Biden Administration admit their failures and reverse these dangerous open-border policies. I will continue to work to secure our border to ensure the safety of our families and neighbors

Ignore China's Threat at Our Own Peril

Tensions have steadily risen between the United States and the People's Republic of China (PRC) for years now. From the pandemic-era trade wars to military drills around Taiwan, it's clear the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which controls the PRC, is pursuing its goal of creating a new world order relentlessly.

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A pantry serving a purpose

WENATCHEE - As another school year begins, Wenatchee High School is ready to assist students in need of food, clothing, toiletries, backpacks and other school supplies. Panther House is a pantry located in a classroom at WHS. It is made possible by food drives, cash donations and partnerships with local companies, according to Assistant Principal Donna Moser.

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Man hopes to locate owner of photo albums found along a road outside of Yakima

With their bright floral graphics, the photo albums look like they'd hold prints from the groovy 1970s. Thomas Hull knows almost all of the photos are older than that, with some from the early 20th century. But Hull doesn't know much more about the photos other than years written or printed on some, along with names.

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It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in Congress. To stay up to date on how I am working to represent Central Washington, I encourage you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also find regular updates on my website.

Dan Newhouse
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