I have never been more fired up about our chances to flip Idaho, John!


In his powerful and historic speech last night, our president clearly laid out the facts. American democracy is under attack, and we are in a battle for the soul of our nation.


But…and this part is important…we are not powerless. In fact, we the people have never been more powerful.


In 2018, Americans of all political ideologies rose up to take the House majority away from Republicans. In 2020, we did it again to defeat Donald Trump and take control of the Senate away from Mitch McConnell.


Now, as our liberties are under direct assault by MAGA Republicans and their institutional apologists, Americans are once again fighting back.


We defeated an extreme abortion ban in Kansas. We are defeating MAGA Republicans in special elections from New York to Alaska (!!).


To put this in perspective, the last time Democrats won a congressional seat in Alaska was the same year Roe v. Wade was decided. Tell me that’s not an omen.


On top of all of that, Democratic voter registrations are SURGING in Idaho ever since Roe was struck down, particularly among women. In fact, the only state with a higher rate of new women Democratic voters than Idaho is Kansas – and we all know what happened there.


If there was ever a time for us to shock the nation and flip this U.S. Senate seat, it’s now.


I am profoundly grateful to everyone who chipped in last month to make August our best fundraising month yet. Now we really need to scale up to win in November.


If you haven’t had a chance to give yet, or you’re able to give a little more, I would deeply appreciate your support today: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/rothforussenate


Last night, President Biden said, “I believe America is big enough for all of us to succeed, and that is the nation we’re building, a nation where no one is left behind.”


That is exactly why I’m running for Senate.


I reject the notion that Idaho or Kansas or any state is “too red” for Democrats. I believe that when we stand together, we can win ANY seat.


More and more independents and even some conservatives are rejecting the extremist ideology of MAGA Republicans. They know we are fighting for the soul of our nation, and I believe they will join us here in Idaho.


We are not powerless. We are not bystanders. It is up to each and every one of us to do our part to protect our democracy.


Will you join me?


- David



David Roth is a single, gay dad running to flip a U.S. Senate seat in Idaho. His opponent is an extremist “pro-life” Republican who’s been in politics for 37 years. David stepped up to serve the state that has been his home most of his life, where he is now raising his two young sons, because every state is worth fighting for. There has never been an openly gay man elected to the U.S. Senate. Help us make history this year. Pitch in now to flip this seat and send David to D.C.

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Paid for by David Roth for U.S. Senate

©2022 David Roth for U.S. Senate, all rights reserved.


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David Roth for U.S. Senate

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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