This week, in the hot and dusty wilds of northern Nevada, the riotous Burning Man festival roars back into action following a pandemic hiatus. The artful celebration honors “radical inclusion,” but its harsh desert environment can be punishing for people. That won’t keep hundreds of “Burners” with physical disabilities (like Dani Moore, photographed above in a “mutant vehicle” designed to accommodate her wheelchair) from participating, thanks to the support of communities such as Mobility Camp, which helps mobility impaired (as well as able-bodied) people make the most of their time on the playa.
One Burning Man tradition photographer Morgan Lieberman documented was the nightly lamp-lighting ceremony (pictured below, a Mobility Camp member prepares for the event). “Seeing Mobility Campers partake in something that one would assume is only for the able-bodied was a perfect reminder that people with disabilities should be fully embraced. Radical inclusion is the reminder that we can all collectively exist and participate together, because our real strength is in numbers and when we look out for one another.”
Read the full story here.
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