Dear John,

Last night in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the very birthplace of our democracy and our Constitution, President Biden spoke plainly and directly to the nation about the threats posed by MAGA right-wing extremists.

John — The President was right on the money: Our democracy isn’t guaranteed – it requires all of us to step up and protect it from those who seek to undermine it. That’s what I’ve done as Assembly Speaker pro Tem and it’s why I’m running for Congress. Will you chip in right now to send me to Congress to keep defending our democracy?

In Sacramento, I wrote the landmark DISCLOSE Act, one of the nation’s toughest laws to ban dark money in our state elections. I passed the state’s first all vote-by-mail election, leading to record-breaking turnout and voter participation, and co-authored California’s groundbreaking automatic voter registration bill to make it easier for every Californian to participate in their own democracy. It’s another reason Congresswoman Jackie Speier was the first to endorse my campaign to succeed her in Congress.

President Biden called on all of us last night to do everything we can to stop the MAGA election deniers and every one of their attempts to subvert our democratic process. And I’m asking you now to pitch in whatever you can to send a proven legislator to Congress who already knows how to stand up to Trump Republicans and safeguard our democracy.

In solidarity,
Kevin Mullin


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