
This week, I took a common sense position. The Downers Grove Public Library planned to use taxpayer funds to hold a drag performance targeted to children in grades 7-12. I said this was an inappropriate use of taxpayer funds.

My position is one shared by parents and taxpayers across the district, who don’t want this event just as they don’t want the library introducing kids to straight sex by holding a burlesque show. I made it clear that I had no interest in regulating the private, consensual activities and decisions of adults. This event, however, targeted children. It’s inappropriate, and an unacceptable use of taxpayer funds.

I called on Sean Casten to join me in denouncing this event. His response was to call me homophobic. It came as no surprise. For years, Casten’s first line of defense has been to go straight to name-calling. He calls anyone who disagrees with his far-left radical views racist, homophobic or any other number of slurs. Politicians like Casten are the reason nothing gets done in Congress. How can anyone work with someone who goes straight to name calling rather than discussing differences of opinion like an adult? 

I hold the same position as the majority of common-sense people in this district, as well as a pro-Liberty LGBT group, who endorsed me and joined our movement to push back on demagogues like Sean Casten. 

Yesterday, The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR)  formally endorsed me for Congress in Illinois’ Sixth District. 

Charles T. Moran, LCR President, said of Pekau, "Keith Pekau is a father, husband, and combat veteran that Illinois needs in Congress. Keith has a proven track record of winning tough races and producing results for his community. Log Cabin Republicans endorses Keith Pekau in his bid to represent Illinois’ 6th congressional district knowing that he will support our law enforcement, fight for our veterans, get our economy back on track, and protect individual liberties."

“I’m honored to have the endorsement. LCR represents an important part of the American family. They have worked tirelessly for common sense leadership and policies, including opposing Joe Biden’s attempts - at the behest of the far-Left - to trample over the rights of states and parents. I embrace all taxpaying, hard working people who believe in the American principles of liberty and equality, and look forward to representing all the people of IL-06 in Congress.” 

I am in this fight for you. Our campaign is on behalf of all the people who want to see a return to common sense in Illinois. Click here to make sure we win.

Thank you, 

Keith Pekau
Mayor of Orland Park
Republican Nominee for Illinois’ Sixth Congressional District

In Case You Missed It

Keith Joins ‘The Chris Salcedo Show’ on Newsmax
Keith was interviewed by Chris Salcedo about Biden’s Student Loan Bailouts and Sean Casten benefitting from subsidies in Democrats’ “Don’t Say Inflation” Act. 

Watch a clip of the interview here. And here.

Help Keith push back on disastrous Biden-Casten agenda HERE!

Press Release: Can’t Have It Both Ways: Student Loan Bailouts & Left-Wing Hypocrisy

“The president can’t have it both ways. We can’t simultaneously have a pandemic so severe that no one needs to repay their student loans yet so mild that millions of largely unvaccinated illegal aliens can be allowed to enter our country unchecked for coronavirus.

“Aside from the clear legal issues with the president’s order, this policy is unfair and reckless on a number of levels… 

“... Like creating tax breaks for luxury car buyers, the modern Democrat party’s elitism and detachment from the working class is on full display once again. Forgiving student loan debt disproportionately benefits those who receive graduate degrees and higher incomes. In fact, nearly a third of student loan debt is held by the top 20 percent of earners and 56 percent of student debt is held by households with graduate degrees. This bails out the wealthiest 20 percent of American households at the cost of everyone else. 

“It’s precisely these types of insane leftist policies that are the real cause of inflation. Again, Democrats can’t have it both ways. They can’t claim to be for the little guy and continually use their power to benefit themselves, their political allies and the nation’s elites at the expense of the rest of the country. It’s time to send representatives to Congress who will put people over politics and end the deranged economic policies that are hurting hard working people and weakening America.”

Read the full release here.

Connecting the Dots

Fox News: Democratic Chicago lawmaker calls out Lori Lightfoot, Kim Foxx for crime wave: 'The criminals are winning'
Ford, who represents Chicago's West Side in the State Assembly, shared his concerns after another bloody weekend left seven dead and 23 injured… "Too many babies have been killed. Too many fathers have been killed. Too many mothers have been killed. Too many brothers have been killed. And this has to stop. And the only way you stop it is you have a system in place that's going to go after criminals," he told Caldwell.

"We cannot allow them to continue to run our communities and make our lives less safe. So only a few of them we could get them. Once we eliminate these criminals off the street, people will live in peace, and we can do it. We know where they're at." 

Ford said top prosecutor Kim Foxx has a responsibility to "pull people together in the justice system" to send the message that "if you murder someone … we will lock you up."

The lawmaker didn't hold back on his criticism of liberal Mayor Lori Lightfoot. 

"The criminals are winning in Chicago. … I think she's failed because she's lost the trust of law enforcement. She doesn't have a working relationship with Kim Foxx. She doesn't have a working relationship with [Chief Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court Timothy] Evans That's a problem. The community sees that, criminals see it, and they know that they can get away with murder." 

Read the full article here.

Buffalo News: NY Gov. Hochul Calls Remote Learning a Mistake that Took a Heavy Toll on Working Women
…New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued what amounted to a mea culpa on Friday when she called it “a mistake” when the state closed down schools in favor of remote learning as COVID hit in 2020.

“We’re going to peel back every dynamic and let’s look at not just in the workplace but what happened to women when the decisions were made to have all the kids go home and learn remotely,” Hochul said in a speech to a women’s symposium in Albany. “Wow. Wow, what a mistake that was. What a mistake that was.”

“Women couldn’t go to their jobs. They lost their jobs. One child in a classroom tests positive, the whole class goes home for a week and a half. It was chaos, nothing short of chaos, and it just seems to have not ended.”

Read the full story here.

Meet Keith

Facebook Like Town Hall

Save the date to join us for a town hall on Facebook Live on Thursday, September 8th starting at 1pm! Follow our Facebook page for more details.

Tee-Off the General Election with Keith

Golf Outing

We are so excited to invite you to our 3rd Annual Golf Outing!
When: Monday, September 26
Registration: 1:00pm
Tee-Off: 2:00pm
Cocktails: 5:00pm
Dinner: 6:00pm
Where: The Crystal Tree Golf & Country Club
10700 W 153rd St, Orland Park, IL
RSVP: Click here to sign your team up or to become a sponsor.

Get Involved

Politicians in Washington, DC like Sean Casten, and Nancy Pelosi have put special interests, party politics, and extreme agendas ahead of doing what’s best for the people they’re supposed to represent.

Keith Pekau is the common sense, local leader we need in Washington to take on the extreme politicians. His record of results stands in stark contrast to the failed, divisive politics and rigid ideology of Sean Casten.

Whether you choose to contribute, knock on doors, or host a yard sign on your front lawn, every little bit counts and helps my campaign inch closer to victory.

Click here to get started!
Chip in $6 (or $600) to Flip the 6th here!

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