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Taxpayer, this matter requires immediate attention

I'll cut right to the chase Taxpayer:

We're shutting down gov't labs in record time. In theory, it's amazing news. But there's a BIG problem.

What happens to the survivors on day 2? Incompetent bureaucrats are too lazy and cheap to find them new homes. It's easier to either:
  1. kill them and throw them out like trash, or
  2. ship them off to a new lab for more torture.
Violet's Law would change everything. That's why we must secure it into law before we shut down any more labs!

gov't receipt!
USDA slaughtered and incinerated her after experimentation.
Violet's Law would have saved her.


EXTREMELY URGENT: Follow this link to demand Congress pass Violet's Law before the year ends. It's the only way to guarantee lab survivors are retired for good!

Taxpayer, back in April, you signed a petition to rally the House of Representatives to introduce Violet's Law. It worked.

In June, you answered a flash poll saying you believe the gov't should let taxpayers adopt lab survivors instead of killing them. We took your response to the Senate, and they introduced Violet's Law.

Now, we need you to take action one more time and make it the law.

The VA
killed her.  Violet's Law could have saved her.
URGENT: Taxpayer-funded White Coats are rallying the media hard.
Their message? More survivors like #A7 should be KILLED, not adopted. .


Taxpayer, these are your kittens. Your puppies. Your primates. Your taxes paid for them. They belong to you ... not government bureaucrats!

72 HOUR DEADLINE: Violet's Law is the only way to permanently change Uncle Sam's wasteful incineration policy. As taxpayers, let's make government #GiveThemBack!

Taxpayer, the truth is, most lab animals never leave. Or if they do, it's in a trash bag.

How many more lab survivors will we let the government torture and kill?

Please don't delay — sign this urgent petition right now:


Justin Goodman
Vice President
White Coat Waste Project

To stop taxpayer-funded animal tests, we must first stop the $15 billion+ in wasteful government spending.

We find, expose, and de-fund wasteful government spending on animal experiments. To change public policy, we unite liberty lovers and animal lovers with hard-hitting investigations and public policy campaigns.

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PO Box 26029
Washington, DC 20001

White Coat Waste Project is a 501(c)(3) bipartisan coalition.
Contributions are tax-deductible.


Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543