Have you ever wondered about the impact of a single signature? What about 100,000?
Here’s the reality: Not a single federal law exists to protect chickens from extreme abuse in factory farms. And there are no industry mandates or legal requirements to prevent slaughterhouses from literally boiling birds alive. So what’s to stop major food corporations from perpetuating this cruelty?
You. (And 99,999 other caring people like you.)
You chose to speak up for the most vulnerable and abused land animals on the planet—treated more like production units than thinking, living beings—hidden away in filthy, overcrowded sheds, purposely concealed from public view.
Today we are 100,000 strong—100,000 signatures calling out corporate bullies that profit from extreme cruelty to chickens.
In a world where corporations have given themselves free rein to squeeze every last cent out of the broken bodies of abused animals, 100,000 pleas for compassion is a big deal.
Because when you sign a petition with The Humane League, you’re not just signing a petition: You’re strengthening the voice of a corporate negotiator whose job is to confront powerful executives that make their money from animal abuse. You’re proving that what’s right matters more than what’s profitable. You’re showing that cruelty has no place in our food system.
I’ll be honest: one signature alone can only do so much. But together we are a force to be reckoned with. And that’s why we’re winning.
In representing chickens, we’ve taken on an industry that abuses literally billions of animals. This fight will be long and hard. But every win helps spare more animals from a lifetime of agony, fear, and extreme suffering.
That’s the impact that your signature, your time, your advocacy, and your gift makes.
Thank you for being one of the 100,000.

Vicky Bond
President |
P.S. We’ve lined up a fresh batch of food corporations that need to do better by chickens. Click here to give them a piece of your mind!
P.P.S. Some companies we work with see the writing on the wall; they know that the public won’t tolerate cruelty and that they need to change their ways. Others are threatened by the progress we are making, and fight hard to preserve the cruel status quo. Either way, our campaigns, and your voice, are key to driving change. Thank you!