We covered a lot of ground last month.
Eric Lynn for Congress


We covered a lot of ground last month! First, we wanted to give you a huge shoutout and thank you for your support this past month. *Virtual high fives* all around!

Before we share our August recap, will you chip in any amount you are able to bring this race home for Eric and the Democrats in November?

Without further ado, here is our August recap.

  • Eric became the official Democratic nominee for Congress in Florida's 13th Congressional District. Now, the race begins to make sure that we can keep this seat blue in November.

  • Eric was endorsed by Council for a Livable World, End Citizens United, Stop Big Money, and Let America Vote this month! These new endorsements add to Eric's list of national organizations, community activists, and public servants who all believe in Eric's vision for Pinellas County and his ability to win.

  • Eric and his team met with thousands of voters across Pinellas County to learn about their needs and listen to how we can make our community a better place. From celebrating veterans on Purple Heart Day to speaking alongside Rep. Crist at a campaign rally, Eric is committed to making this campaign about meeting people where they're at.

We know what's at stake if we don’t carry this momentum into September.

If we fall behind the Republicans and Anna Paulina Luna, we face discrimination, hatred, and Republican tyranny. That's why I'm asking, will you chip in $5 or whatever you are able to support Eric's campaign and the fight for a Democratic majority?

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Thanks, JOHN, for all that you do.

– Team Lynn

Eric Lynn is a former Senior Advisor to President Obama, national security expert, small business owner, community advocate, and St. Petersburg Native who is ready to lead Pinellas County forward. Empathic, passionate, and pragmatic, Eric knows how to get the job done in Washington on day one.
Will you join Eric's team and support him for Congress?

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Eric Lynn for Congress
PO Box 16991
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
United States