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Editor's Note:

The past few years have seen an ever-increasing effort to rewrite American history according to the social justice ideology of "presentism." This approach asserts that history should not be viewed according to what was happening at the time of the event or movement but instead through a prism of current-day issues of race, gender, sexuality, and nationalism. One renowned historian dared to question this approach, and he was roundly excoriated by his colleagues in the American Historical Association. As Jarret Stepman describes, groveling apologies were required. If this is the approach of national history associations, it will be critical that parents provide real history books and stories for their children throughout their education. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Photo: manhhai / flickr
A Modern, Americanized Version of a Maoist Struggle Session
September 2, 2022

Arguing for keeping “presentism” out of history seems like a straightforward argument from an acknowledged history scholar, right?

Wrong. Not these days.

The president of the American Historical Association, James H. Sweet, published an essay last week arguing that scholars should bar “presentism” from history. 

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