More than 2 million.
Team, that’s how many people are suffering at the hands of a growing opioid epidemic across our country right now. That’s millions of people and families who could benefit from access to treatment, rehabilitation, and local education resources.
All we have to do is act.
As a member of the Freshmen Working Group on Addiction, I know there are clear steps Congress should be taking to help families affected by this crisis. And Team, I’m proud to tell you about a new piece of bipartisan legislation I’ve helped develop with my friend and expert Dr. James Baker.
What we’re proposing involves two critical reforms:
  • Standardize substance use disorder training for all opioid prescribers so there is a baseline understanding of prescribing best practices and addiction prevention.
  • Raise awareness and education on medication-assisted addiction treatments which are approved by the FDA and proven to reduce overdose related deaths. 
Helping families face and recover from the opioid crisis is going to be challenging. We won’t be able to fix it with one bill, one measure, or one action. This is going to require an all-of-the-above approach from multiple pieces of legislation.
But this is why you sent me to Washington. To fight for our families, for our communities, and for you.
From Lowell to Marlborough to Fitchburg -- I’m working as fast as I can to deliver and help our communities that are hurting.
I can’t thank you enough for helping me do it.
I invite you to read more about this piece of legislation here.