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Just News

for September 2, 2022

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at

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Call For 2023 Just Economy Conference Session Ideas
Add your voice and expertise to the 2023 Just Economy Conference! What do you want to talk about? Whose voices do you want to include? What new ideas, best practices or insights can you share? [Read more]


Upstart Joins NCRC’s Innovation Council For Financial Inclusion
Upstart, a leading AI lending marketplace, is partnering with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and joining NCRC’s Innovation Council for Financial Inclusion. The Innovation Council (Council) is a forum to create collective action between the financial technology and grassroots communities to advance financial inclusion and opportunities for low-wealth households and people of color. [Read more]


Why The Great Migration Did Little To Bridge The Great Racial Divide
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Briana Shelton
Families hoped that escaping from Jim Crow to a city with growing industrial jobs would create better economic opportunities for future generations...Though there might have been an initial increase in opportunity, the Princeton scholar [Dr. Ellora Derenoncourt] found, many African American grandchildren and great grandchildren of these migrants today are financially struggling, seeing little bridging of Black/white economic inequality. [Read more]

In the News

Consumer Groups Urge FDIC To Reject Ford's ILC Application
By Claire Williams, American Banker
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition, the National Consumer Law Center, Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund and the Center for Responsible Lending said in a letter to the FDIC that allowing Ford to own a bank would open the door for other companies outside of the financial system to mix commerce and banking. [Read more]

Bank Of America Tests No-Down-Payment Mortgages In Black And Hispanic Neighborhoods
By Jenny Gross, The New York Times
In a report published in January, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a fair-lending advocacy group, found that the private mortgage market was providing loans in only 13.7% of low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, even though they represented 30% of neighborhoods. [Read more]

On Our Radar

Privacy Bill Triggers Lobbying Surge By Data Brokers
By Alfred Ng, Politico
Five prominent data brokers boosted their collective spending on lobbying by roughly 11% in the second quarter of this year compared with the same period a year ago, according to lobbying disclosure records reviewed by POLITICO. The $180,000 lobbying bump came as House Democrats and Republicans reached a compromise on a bipartisan bill aimed at giving consumers new powers to limit the collection and sharing of their data. [Read more]

Five Ways Banks And Fintechs Are Trying To Slow Climate Change
By Miriam Cross, American Banker
Banks and fintechs are using technology to help their customers make more climate-friendly choices. They're making green loans, helping consumers understand the impact of their transactions and nudging them into more eco-conscious spending. [Read more]
How To Attack Racial Bias In Home Appraisals

By Gregory D. Squires, Daily News
Appraisal bias has become one of the core fair housing issues of the day. President Biden created an interagency task force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE), which released its report in March. [Read more]


A DC Hub For Nonprofits, Events And Work
For nonprofits and social sector ventures in DC: Do your work and meetings at the new Just Economy Club in DC. It’s hosted by NCRC in the historic Union Trust building at 15th and H Streets, just around the corner from The White House. [Read more]

New Learning & Training Hub
Our new learning management system is live! It is designed with you in mind, offering a more robust experience for every kind of learner. [Learn more]

Browse Our Collection Of Research And Reports
We have an extensive library of research and reports that dates back many years; now available in one convenient location! [View all]

Browse Our Collection Of Racial Wealth Snapshots
Over the past two years, NCRC has put together a catalog of Racial Wealth Snapshots. [View all]

Sign And Share The Just Economy Pledge
America should not only promise but deliver to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. Sign the pledge and share it to help us expand the movement for a Just Economy. [Sign and Share]

Member Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

TreasureCRA Page
CRA will be essential for COVID-19 economic recovery in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic. Use the tools on this page to reach your friends and local leaders. [Read more]
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