News from Representative Allred

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December 17, 2019

Dear Friend,

As your Representative, I want to let you know that I am working on a bipartisan basis to deliver real results that can make an impact in North Texas.

Last week, a deal was reached on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Trade with Mexico and Canada is critically important to our North Texas economy, and I am pleased that all sides could come together and get something done on this issue.

In addition to creating some much-needed stability for our region, this agreement includes important provisions to strengthen protections for workers and the environment, as well as agreement on pharmaceutical drug timelines. This will help support 36,000 jobs in the 32nd District of Texas that depend on trade with Mexico and Canada. 

Throughout this process I talked to businesses big and small, as well as workers and economic experts from across North Texas, and held roundtables and town halls on this important topic. 

Rep. Allred with David and Patti Mitchell and the staff of Mitchell enterprises, an HVAC company in Richardson that depends on trade for their operations.

I also worked tirelessly behind the scenes to urge my colleagues tasked with negotiating this deal to get something done this year. In addition, I met with government officials from Mexico as well as U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on several occasions to convey the importance of this agreement to North Texas.

Both the House and the Senate will need to vote on this final agreement, but I am hopeful that we can move forward on this and get something signed. I am glad I could work together with my colleagues and the White House to come to an agreement that represents North Texas values and will ensure North Texas continues to succeed.  

Last week, I also spoke on a bipartisan panel on parental leave at a White House summit on child care. I discussed my bipartisan bill, the Advancing Support for Working Families Act, which would allow families the option to advance up to $5,000 of their child tax credit in the first year of a child’s life or the first year a family adopts a child.

Allred attends parental leave summit at White House
Rep. Allred speaking on a bipartisan panel on parental leave at a White House summit on child care.

I took a short parental leave from Congress when my wife Aly gave birth to our son earlier this year, and I want to make sure more parents have the flexibility they need and access to financial help during such an expensive time. This bipartisan bill does just that, and will provide families with much-needed cash in hand within weeks of the arrival of their new child.

As we go into the new year, I will continue working across the aisle to strengthen our local economy and ensure that parents have the resources they need to prepare and provide for their new children.

My team and I are always here to answer your questions and help with any issues you have with federal agencies. If you would like to contact me, please send an email, or call my office at 972-972-7949. I also invite you to follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram so you can keep up with the work I am doing for North Texans and other upcoming events. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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