Dear John,
What a humiliating week for Labour!
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Finance Minister Grant Robertson and
Revenue Minister David Parker were caught red-handed, about to close
their fingers around your retirement savings.
It’s hard to imagine something with the world’s dullest title - the
Taxation (Annual Rates for 2022-23, Platform Economy, and Remedial
Matters) Bill – suddenly becoming one of the biggest political stories
of the year. Remember this tax on retirement savings was going to
generate $225 million per year and would have wiped $103 billion off
the value of Kiwis retirement savings.
However, in the short time between the bill being introduced to
Parliament on Tuesday afternoon, National getting its petition up in
opposition to it late that night, and the Government doing a
spectacular u-turn less than an hour before Question Time on
Wednesday, this was political fireworks that came wrapped in brown
paper. I hope you’ve all had a chance to see Nicola Willis’s passionate speech on it to the
House, and she and I talking about it on Facebook Live.
When the fireworks fade, all New Zealanders should be left with a
strong sense of unease and some big takeaways.
- This Labour Government can’t manage money, so they come after
yours. This Government is utterly addicted to wasteful spending that
doesn’t deliver improved outcomes for Kiwis. So, Labour is dreaming up
whole new tax grabs – like the KiwiSaver Tax - to fleece Kiwis of more
of their hard-earned cash to fund Labour’s addiction to spending. We
may have caught them out on the KiwiSaver tax, but they’ll keep
dreaming up new ones.
- National is the party of low tax. Labour is the party of high tax.
National wants you to keep more of your own money in your own pocket,
and to save it or spend it as you choose, rather than as Jacinda
Ardern and Grant Robertson choose.
- Labour is not the transparent and open government it promised to
be. In fact, it is the opposite. Labour never campaigned on
introducing any new taxes at the last election and Jacinda Ardern
famously said, just in May after the attempted Capital Gains Tax,
“we’re not doing any work, on any additional tax policy”. And yet,
they tried to sneak in the KiwiSaver tax.
- Labour can’t manage New Zealand, or even themselves. What was
going on behind the scenes in the Labour Cabinet that approved the
KiwiSaver tax? Did ministers genuinely believe it was a great idea to
hit Kiwis’ retirement savings, in the middle of a cost-of-living
crisis? Do ministers read their Cabinet papers?
Let’s hope the Labour Government now continues the u-turns and
removes its other stealth taxes too.

Cost-of-Living Payments
The Auditor-General this week told the Government its performance
on the Cost of Living Payment wasn’t good enough. This is the $350
payment, being made in three instalments, that was devised in haste
and has wrongly gone to French backpackers, investment bankers in
London, and dead people. Remember, Inland Revenue warned the
Government that IRD did not have sufficient capacity to deliver this
but, for its own political reasons, the Government made IRD do it
anyway. What a shambles and an utter disregard for hard earned
taxpayer money. For those of you who like the nitty gritty, you can
read the Auditor-General’s letter to IRD here.
Labour would rather do this rinky-dink one-off Cost-of-Living
Payment, but inflation adjusting tax thresholds would be a more
enduring solution and would allow someone on the median wage of
$57,000 to retain $800 more a year of their own earnings. It would
also mean a couple on New Zealand superannuation would receive an
extra by $550 a year, too.
Ram Raids
Last weekend I visited a poor shop owner in Penrose whose premises
have been hit three times by ram raiders. This is an epidemic to which
the Government is turning a blind eye. National’s Justice spokesman
Paul Goldsmith says the prosecution of young people has halved since
Labour has been in government. That’s appalling, but not unexpected
from a Government that’s soft on crime. You can read Paul’s thoughts
Coalition Partners
You’ll recall that last week I said the single best way to change
the government next year would be to party vote National and that,
rather than talking about potential coalition deals or whatever, that
would be my focus until the election.
That remains my view. However, this week I’ve ruled out working
with Brian Tamaki as I explained to Mike Hosking here.
I was out and about meeting some amazing people in the Port Waikato
electorate yesterday. Here are some pics….

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet and talk to students at
Parkside School in Pukekohe

Visiting the team at NZ Steel in Glenbrook
Wishing you all a happy weekend and, to all the Dads out there, I
hope Fathers’ Day treats you well!