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Dear Friend,
Y’all. I am SO fed up and frustrated that we haven’t passed nation-wide paid family and medical leave yet. When I tell you that this time last year I was *convinced* we were about to win paid leave, I mean I was convinced. It’s such a no-brainer, commonsense, hugely popular policy that is so urgently needed... and yet…
…here we are. Deep sigh. Three years into a pandemic, Roe has been overturned, the threats of forced birth are real – making permanent access to paid family and medical leave even more crucial as we fight to restore our abortion rights. Families are struggling to make ends meet, and because of the entire Senate GOP–and one particular Democratic Senator from my home state of West Virginia–Congress’ chance to pass paid family leave this year in the Inflation Reduction Act has come and gone. [1]
And now it’s getting even worse… my news feed is filled with reports that some companies, including Hulu, are slashing their paid family leave benefits for new parents, which, to be honest, was an entirely predictable outcome here. [2] I. Am. Fed. Up.
If we can find the political will to close major corporate tax loopholes and finally act on climate change, [3] we can ALSO pass paid family and medical leave for all working people just like every other nation in the world has already done except two. Congress CAN and must pass and fund paid leave.
Here are the facts: Right now only 19% of working people have access to paid family and medical leave through their employers. [4] Unpaid leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act covers just under 60% of working people BUT the fact that it is unpaid means it’s not usable for working folks who cannot afford to take unpaid time away from work - especially now. [5]
Let’s be real. Unpaid family leave means NO family leave. Working people cannot afford to take unpaid time away from work to care for a new child, to handle their own serious medical condition or to care for loved ones with serious medical conditions and lose necessary income at the same time.
Unpaid leave forces folks out of the jobs they need, and that hurts our families, and it hurts our economy.
It’s true that eleven states have passed state-wide paid family and medical leave laws. But it’s also true that not every state is going to be able to get this done, for a bunch of reasons.
And, it’s not lost on us that NONE of the states that have banned abortion or have the biggest restrictions on abortion rights have paid leave laws. [6] This is not a coincidence, the ideology at work here is control – and cruelty is the point (and forcing moms and parents out of much-needed jobs adds salt to the wound).
Paid leave is a necessity and it’s critical for working families who are struggling to make ends meet and fulfill their caregiving responsibilities. Not only does paid family and medical leave benefit employees by allowing them time to take off to recover from childbirth, bond with a new child, provide care for themselves or a loved one when a serious health issue arises or to recover from Covid, but paid leave boosts employee morale and keeps employees and especially women whose labor force participation has decreased dramatically in part due to caregiving responsibilities, attached to the workforce. This means it helps businesses and our economy too.
Our nation lacks family-centered policies like paid family and medical leave, and women, who bear the brunt of providing care have been disproportionately affected. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can do better.
If you’re as fed up as I am, pass this email on to your friends and family so they can take action too.
Together we’re a powerful force for women and families.
- Ruth, Kristin, Namatie, Tina, Beth, Diarra, and the whole MomsRising.org & MamásConPoder Team
P.S.– Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand how public policies impact families so they can move change. We want to hear more from YOU! Can you take a second and follow the link below to share your personal story about how having, or NOT having, access to job-protected paid leave or affordable, quality child care has impacted your family in the pandemic? https://action.momsrising.org/sign/PaidTimeOff
[1] Abortion bans are rising as paid leave is dropping https://jezebel.com/as-abortion-bans-rise-paid-maternity-leave-drops-1849441158
[2] ibid
[3] Time Magazine: https://time.com/6204501/inflation-reduction-act-close-corporate-tax-loopholes
[4] National Partnership For Women & Families https://www.nationalpartnership.org/our-work/economic-justice/paid-leave.html#:~:text=Only%2019%20percent%20of%20workers,provided%20short%2Dterm%20disability%20insurance.
[5] ibid
[6] Center For American Progress: State abortion bans will harm women and families economic security across the US https://www.americanprogress.org/article/state-abortion-bans-will-harm-women-and-families-economic-security-across-the-us
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