Before you head out for the long Labor Day weekend, we need your immediate attention, help and generosity to support children and families impacted by severe flooding in Pakistan. Take a look at what we’re seeing on the ground and rush an emergency gift to support children most at risk >> |
The scenes we're witnessing in Pakistan are truly heartbreaking. More than 33 million people have been affected by this disaster, including 16 million children. So far, nearly a third of the fatalities are children.
Families have been displaced. Schools and hospitals have been destroyed. Children are facing unabating rains with little shelter to protect them.
Without help, these children could soon be at risk of experiencing more harm, even greater threats of malnutrition and outbreaks of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea and cholera. This already perilous humanitarian situation is expected to worsen in the days and weeks ahead — there’s no time to waste when it comes to helping children.
Right now, UNICEF is in Pakistan delivering millions of dollars of humanitarian supplies – safe water, medicine and vaccines, hygiene kits and therapeutic food supplies. Make a gift today to further UNICEF’s work and ensure children receive critical support >> |
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