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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 26 July


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Secularism in the media


Inclusive teaching row: Boris Johnson urged to step in

The boss of a primary school which faced protests over LGBT teaching has urged the new prime minister to step in or risk further divisions in communities.



Cabinet's voting record shows lack of support for abortion and gay rights

A significant number of ministers in Boris Johnson's new government have been either hostile to or ambivalent about abortion and gay rights, according to their voting records.

The Guardian


Government reveals what grants it gives to faith and interfaith projects

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has revealed what grants it gives to Jewish, Christian, Muslim and inter-faith projects.

Jewish News


‘Critiquing Islamist fundamentalist practice is not an “attack on Muslim women”’

Munira Mirza critiques the hysteria created by Boris Johnson's comments about the burka last year.

Conservative Home


Court in Poland bans 'LGBT-free zone' sticker from sale

A Polish court has ordered a conservative newspaper to halt the distribution of "LGBT-free zone" stickers it included in this week's issue.



‘Not a straight, white man? US religious conservatives are coming for you’

Jessica Stern and Yifat Susskind say a new Trump administration commission will only protect a select group of Americans.



New Netflix series will expose secretive Christian group’s influence in Washington

A five-part Netflix documentary series will focus on The Family, a secretive Christian organisation with influence throughout the US capital city.



Christian conservatives plan ‘Straight Pride’ parade in California

Christian conservatives are planning to hold a second Straight Pride parade in the US state of California in August, after being given the go-ahead to hold one in Boston.



Latest from the NSS


The new education secretary must resist the reactionary campaign against RSE

The campaign against inclusive relationships and sex education risks spreading from the school gates to sympathetic faith school authorities. Alastair Lichten argues the government must act now to save the subject.


NSS podcast episode 11: religious charities; inclusive relationships & sex education

Chris Sloggett speaks to Megan Manson about the NSS's recent report on religion and the charity sector. Chris also speaks to Alastair Lichten about protests by religious reactionaries against LGBT inclusive education and what the NSS is doing to push back.


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