Dear Friends,
I am writing to ask you to donate today to our year-end challenge match. Contributions to NRCAT enable us to engage in rapid-response human rights work throughout the year with interfaith members across the U.S. Please make a donation today at [link removed]
People of faith are called to hospitality - to welcome all people as our neighbors.
NRCAT answered the call of people of faith who took swift action this year as reports surfaced that more than 3,000 migrant children were being held at a federal detention camp in Homestead, Florida. Most were fleeing violence and poverty in Central America and seeking asylum.
On June 12, NRCAT joined the American Friends Service Committee and national faith allies in a press conference where I spoke out against the horrific caging of children. We then delivered over 100,000 signatures on a petition to DHS calling for the Homestead Detention Center to be permanently shut down. On August 3, Homestead was closed!
While the struggle to reunite immigrant families and end all immigrant detention continues, this rapid response shows the power people of faith can have when challenging our nation to be a country known for hospitality, not human cages.
Thanks to two generous donors, your donation today of $25 becomes $50, $50 becomes $100 and will expand NRCAT's ability to support campaigns for hospitality and welcome for our immigrant and refugee sisters and brothers in 2020 and beyond.
Please make a donation at [link removed] or send a check to the National Religious Campaign Against Torture; 110 Maryland Ave. NE, Suite 502; Washington, DC 20002.
In gratitude for your support,
Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director
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