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Los Angeles, CA ? From now through the Labor Day holiday weekend, extremely high temperatures are expected throughout the Los Angeles County region and beyond.? With the widespread excessive heat warning in place, the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACoFD) advises residents to take care of themselves and others who are most vulnerable as well as take appropriate precautions, if they live in wildfire-prone areas.

With dangerous record-breaking heat and low humidity expected for several days, coupled with a severe drought and dry vegetation, these conditions result in elevated high fire danger throughout Los Angeles County.? With this increased risk for wildfire, residents are reminded to:

  • See something, say something.? Report any sign of smoke or fire immediately to your local fire department by dialing 9-1-1.? If you dial 9-1-1 from your cell phone, be sure to know your location.
  • Have your Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan in place.? It?s critical for residents to be familiar with the Ready! Set! Go! program that provides important pre-planning and evacuation information.? To download the Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan and view informational how-to videos, visit
Ready Set Go

Additionally, everyone should be extra careful to avoid heat-related illness and do the following:

  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Apply sunscreen, wear light-colored clothing, and put on a hat or use an umbrella.
  • Never leave children or pets in cars ? even if the windows are left open.
  • Check on those who are most vulnerable to the negative effects of excessive heat, including older adults, pregnant women, children, pets, and outdoor workers.
  • Head to a free cooling center if you do not have access to air conditioning. To find a location near you, call 2-1-1 or visit


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