We are also so close to making history. This seat hasn’t been flipped in 16 years!

Fellow American,

As summer comes to an end, I just wanted to thank you for all the support you have given during this time – it truly means the world to me and my campaign, knowing we’re all trying to accomplish something great.

We are also so close to making history. This seat hasn’t been flipped in 16 years, and being in a one-party ruled state, this victory will spread a message across the nation that anything can be accomplished with dedication and hard work.

But the reason why I’m reaching out today is that we fell short of meeting our August goal. Granted, we set a heftier amount to reach because my opponent's deep-pocketed Democrat donors and Super PACS are making BIG investments to target me and paint me as a far-right Republican.

Will you help me get a jump start on this month’s fundraising? The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has already started purchasing ad buys, and we need to be prepared to fend off any attacks that may come our way.

What do you say, Fellow American, can you help today?


$10   $25 $50   MORE

With less than 70 days until the election, we need the help of every conservative we can reach. If you know anyone who wants to bring the GOP back to Connecticut as much as we do, please feel free to forward them this email because we need all hands on deck!

Your help is greatly appreciated.

All my best,

George S. Logan


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