Hi John,
Have you ever wondered how Equality Federation knows about every bill in your state? I work behind the scenes tracking every LGBTQ and HIV related bill - good and bad - in every state across the country.
Donate now to make sure we have the resources we need for 2020.
When I see an important bill, I flag it for our staff and the staff of our member organizations. I can explain policy initiatives, the language in a bill, or the context of the text. I equip my colleagues with the policy knowledge to do the advocacy work that must come next.
Last week, my colleague asked for help with an email. I offered a few examples and we ended up chatting about 2019 legislative trends regarding trans people: what passed and what didn’t, and how this leads into 2020. I was happy to help with a time sensitive project and got to see the immediate impact of my work.
Donate now to make sure we can track every LGBTQ and HIV related bill in 2020.
Our success depends on our interdependence. We only succeed when we’re working together.

Ana Hernández
Policy Analyst