From Tanisha Smith, Volunteers of America <[email protected]>
Subject Your First Day
Date September 1, 2022 4:23 PM
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Dear Friend,

Remember walking through the door on your first day of school? The
weight of your backpack on your shoulders, the anticipation, maybe
even those "butterflies" ...

Imagine no backpack. Or notebooks, or pencils to write with. And the
butterflies are actually hunger pangs, from lack of a proper meal at
home. For many of our young students, going back to school is harder
than it should be.

But thanks to kindness like yours, we're getting families the right
resources so their young learners have the best shot at a productive
school year and a healthy life.

Welcome banner with a cute smiling girl

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After a job loss and worsening economic pressures, Jackie never could
have imagined what happened next for her family: she and her kids lost
their home and were living out of a van. Jackie worked as fast as she
could to stabilize their living situation, but the new school year
crept up and their problems compounded.

Uncertainty mixed with fear and embarrassment. Her kids were without
basic school supplies and clean clothes, and they weren't sure when
their next meal would come.

With VOA, Jackie regained normalcy for her family with food, shelter,
and a pathway to a safer and healthier life. Her kids received new
backpacks through our signature Operation Backpack® program - the
bags were filled with everything they needed to walk into their
classrooms feeling strong, confident, capable, and prepared.

Thank you, again, for choosing to help someone like Jackie. By helping
her, you helped a whole family. Jackie can now be the parent she knew
her family deserved: one who loves and cares for them, and provides
opportunities for a bright future.

Warmest wishes,
Tanisha Smith
Vice President, Volunteers of America

Thanks to our local Volunteers of America Chesapeake and Carolinas
affiliate for this story of resilience and hope!
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(703) 341-5000

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