We’ve emailed you before about Elissa’s opponent’s record on choice — and his opposition to personal freedom. Well, it looks like he’s starting to catch on that his “100% pro-life, no exceptions” stance doesn’t align with the vast majority of Michiganders.
We wanted to make sure you saw that recently, he entirely removed any reference to his pro-life stance from the issues page on his website. What’s worse, when he was asked about it, he stated the update was “based upon the issues that were most salient right now.” And then? He updated his website again, attacking Elissa and trying to cover up his initial backtracking.
This story has picked up quite a bit of traction with both national and local media in the last few days. Check it out:
You don’t get to spend your entire political career touting your extreme views, only to try to hide them in the 11th hour— and you definitely don’t get to try to pretend it didn’t happen. Chip in today to tell Elissa’s opponent that he can’t have it both ways.
Team Slotkin