In addition to helping Ms. Rice get custody, Children’s Law Center made sure she could access the District’s grandparent caregiver program which provided critical financial support to raise S.
Several years later, when V came to live with them and faced aggressive bullying and no support in her new classroom, Ms. Rice reached out again.
You can read more here about how Children’s Law Center is helping Ms. and Mr. Rice overcome the institutional obstacles to V getting essential educational support. It’s another key part of how the Rices are making sure this school year is better than the last for their granddaughter.
Honor the Grandparents in Your Life
Children’s Law Center works with so many grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family members like Ms. Rice who fiercely advocate for the kids in their lives and who provide stability and support for kids who’ve faced traumatic experiences.
We proudly celebrate the grandparents in our lives who have gone above and beyond for their grandchildren, especially with Grandparents’ Day coming up on Sunday, September 11. Do you have a grandparent, great aunt or great uncle you’d like to honor for Grandparents’ Day? Celebrate them with a gift to Children’s Law Center and help us make it easier for caregivers to access the support they need for the children in their families to thrive.