Dear friend,
Today we launch "Free to Succeed," FAMM's first-ever monthly storytelling program. Every month like clockwork, we will launch "story packages" of formerly-incarcerated people who've gotten a second chance and are free!
These people are waking up every single day, proving wrong the headlines that say criminal justice reform makes our country less safe. Their lives are perfect examples of why second chances should be part of the criminal justice equation. And their stories? They will make you laugh, cry, and find some goodness and hope in the world.
Each month, we'll share written stories, audio stories, and a bunch of other fun stuff. We'll also hold live discussions across social media so you can watch these second-chancers — live and on your own screens! — and ask them as many questions as you want.
"Free to Succeed" means: Newborn babies. Jobs with meaning. Children reunited with parents. Communities made safer and happier as families are made whole. Productive days. One day at a time, hopes and dreams coming true. People who are free — and succeed.
This month's program showcases four great stories: Stephanie Nodd, Ernest Boykin, Mandy Martinson, and John Gargano. You've never met anyone like them. First up is Stephanie's story. Her resilience and strength truly inspire:
Stay tuned for more stories all month long!
Here's to freedom and second chances,
The FAMM Storytelling Team