With unions more popular than ever -- 71% approval, according to the latest Gallup poll – there are plenty of ways in the metro area to celebrate American workers this Labor Day weekend. Here’s our latest rundown (always check our online calendar for the most up-to-date listings!):
Induction of The Essential Workers of the Coronavirus Pandemic into the U.S. Department of Labor Hall of Honor: Thu, September 1, 11am – 12pm
U.S. Dept of Labor - Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210
RSVP on Eventbrite; Please arrive at the 3rd & C streets entrance by 10:30 a.m. to accommodate security screening.
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, September 1, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online.
Features Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, a preview of the Starbucks Labor Day Weekend Sip-Ins and a chat with 9 to 5 co-founder Ellen Cassedy, who’s got a brand-new book out; Working 9 to 5: A women’s movement, a labor union, and the iconic movie.
Pre-Labor Day weekend Happy Hour with Baltimore/DC Pride@Work Chapter: Thu, September 1, 5pm – 7pm
El Chucho - Cocina Superior, 3313 11th St NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA (map)
Labor on the Bima: Oseh Shalom: Fri, September 2, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Oseh Shalom Synagogue, 7515 Olive Branch Way, Laurel, MD 20707, USA (map)
Cantor Caitlin McLaughlin and Cantor Emeritus Charlie Bernhardt (AFM L.161-710) will be joined by special guest Elise Bryant of the Labor Heritage Foundation. Elise will share music and speak on common cause among African Americans and Jews pursuing labor justice.
Starbucks Labor Day Weekend Sip-Ins (MD, DC & VA): Sat/Sun/Mon, September 3, 4 & 5, 11am – 1pm
Multiple locations in Maryland, the District and Virginia.
Show your support with an @SBWorkersUnited Sip-In! CLICK HERE or see attached.
PLUS: Boost your impact with these resources: #NoContractNoCoffee pledge form.
Adopt a store form for Sip-Ins. Sip In Toolkit.
Starbucks Labor Day Weekend Sip-Ins: Leesburg: Sun, September 4, 11am – 12pm
Leesburg Plaza, 526 East Market St., in Leesburg, VA.
Led by Loudoun County Dems; contact Bob Moses, 703-409-9028, for more information.
Starbucks Labor Day Weekend Sip-Ins: Falls Church: Sun, September 4, 12pm – 1pm
Gallows & Gateway Plaza in Falls Church, VA.
Led by NoVA Labor's Pride at Work chapter; contact G Nicholson - 540-219-2165 for more information.
Greenbelt Labor Day Parade: Mon, September 5, 9am – 12pm
Greenbelt, MD
March or watch! CLICK HERE to RSVP (deadline COB Friday, September 3).
For details/more info: [email protected]
Reclaiming Our Power: Celebrating the American Worker: Mon, September 5, 9am – 8pm, WPFW 89.3FM or listen online.
Starbucks Labor Day Weekend Sip-Ins: Sterling: Mon, September 5, 10am – 11am
Cascade Marketplace, 21000 Southbank St., in Sterling, VA.
Led by Loudoun County Dems; contact Bob Moses, 703-409-9028, for more information.
DC Labor Chorus Labor Day Concert and Sing-Along: Mon, September 5, 2pm – 4pm
New Deal Cafe, 113 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770
The DC Labor Chorus is a musical ensemble founded and directed by longtime cultural worker Elise Bryant that sings at concerts, rallies, demonstrations, and picket lines in the D.C. area.
GOT MORE LABOR DAY WEEKEND ACTION? Email us at [email protected]!