Hi friend, sorry to email you in the middle of your evening, but I’ll keep this short.
I just checked our fundraising numbers, and we’re still short of our goal by $3,892 — and the MIDNIGHT deadline is in just 4 hours!!!
I’ll be blunt: Missing this goal is NOT a good way to start off the most important two months heading to the midterms. This is our last chance to help our working-class candidates reach voters with their campaigns and energize Democrats enough to get them to the polls in November.
Please take just a quick moment to rush a contribution right now to help us close the gap on time so that we can propel our working-class progressives in their fight to defeat the GOP.
Here’s the donation link if you’re able pitch in any amount right now:
Thanks for stepping up,
Sent from my iPhone
Barrier To Entry PAC P.O Box 1234
Columbus, OH 43204
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