Dear John,

We’re so happy to inform you that on Sunday, October 30th — after two years of virtual events — we are coming together in person to celebrate, reflect, and take action at this year's MPAC Convention.


We are excited to announce that Mo Amer will be our special guest.

We are so proud of Mo, who is breaking barriers and creating greater visibility for Muslims in comedy and television. His new series, MO, premiered on Netflix on August 24th. Check out the trailer and watch the show.

In the semi-autobiographical series, Mo plays a Palestinian refugee living in Houston, Texas with his family. Always one fleeting opportunity away from being granted asylum and gaining U.S. citizenship, Mo, his mother, and his siblings remain resilient in the face of painful setbacks through laughter and spiritual grounding.

Real and nuanced stories such as MO create windows into our rich and diverse experiences and cultures. This is a major moment for representation. Mo Amer continues to forge a path all his own.
"It’s the first time ever that a Palestinian has created [and is the] lead of his own show, and obviously, that’s part of our origin story.”
— Variety
Read the full Variety interview. Here’s to another Mohammed making history! 

Save the date and purchase your tickets for our Convention on Sunday, October 30th as we celebrate progress in media and policy — and forge the road ahead. More updates coming soon! 

In peace,

Sue Obeidi
Director, MPAC® Hollywood Bureau

P.S. Due to COVID precautions, we are limiting tickets so purchase yours now to ensure you have a seat. 
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Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council improves public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities. 
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