We’ve got good news and bad news, folks.

First, the bad news: we missed our mid-month goal. Not by much, but enough to throw off our projections for the year. With the holidays coming up, missing a goal -- even by a smidgen -- jeopardizes our plans for 2020.

If we can raise $2,489.52 in the next 24 hours, we’ll have closed the gap and be in a good spot for the rest of the year.

Pitch in $10 now to help us make up for yesterday’s missed goal >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The good news is: things are looking good for Democrats. New polling shows Democratic challenger Mark Kelly defeating his Republican incumbent. Jaime Harrison is now tied with GOP yes-man Lindsey Graham. And more competitive races have changed to “toss-ups” across the country.

Look, we’ve got the numbers to flip the Senate in 2020. But it’s critical we have the resources to match Mitch McConnell’s dark money groups and Super PACs with their piles of cash.

Jon’s committed to doing everything he can to help Democrats take back the majority and get Washington working for everyday Americans again. But he can’t do it alone, so we're asking:

Will you donate $10 or more before midnight to help us get us back on track for the year? Every dollar you give keeps Jon on the campaign trail for vulnerable Democrats.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Team Tester