
That’s around how much money Mitch McConnell has on hand to spend per day in his bid to flip seats like this one and take back the Senate.


That’s how much more I need to raise before my end-of-month deadline to hit our goal and stay on track to fend off GOP attacks – but there are only hours left to go until our deadline.


That’s the number of seats Republicans need to flip in order to take back the Senate – meaning we can’t afford to take any seat for granted.

Over the next 70 days, protecting seats like this one will come down to resources and grassroots Democrats like you stepping up to fuel our people-backed campaign. With a radical, Trump-backed opponent attacking me, hellbent on taking back the Senate for McConnell, coming up short on resources is simply not an option.

So please, with hours to spare, will you help me make up my fundraising gap by chipping in $5 or more now? Your donation will ensure that I can protect this seat and Democratic Senate control.

Thank you,


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