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Meet an Eco-Creator: Jhánneu Roberts, Making Eco-Living Intentional and Stylish

August 31, 2022

At Sustainable America, we’re committed to presenting ideas and insights for making intentional, eco-friendly adjustments in your daily life. Even with all the resources we’ve made and educational initiatives we’ve put forth, there is always more to learn, and more we can all do on our sustainability journeys. That’s why we’re looking to others — creators, bloggers and all around sustainability “inspirers” in our newest blog series: Meet an Eco-Creator.

To kick off the series, we’re excited to feature the queen of intentionality: Jhánneu Roberts. Jhánneu is a Los Angeles and Austin-based sustainability content creator, speaker and expert, who has built a passionate audience (over 54k combined on social) showing how low-waste living can be inclusive and accessible to all. 


Home-Grown School Meals for Healthy Kids and Happy Farmers

August 25, 2022

Around the world, school meals programs are one of the most important ways children receive the nourishment they need to thrive. In the United States, students received lunches at school from as early as 1894, as an incentive and an effort to support the education of students who were newly required to attend school instead of working to feed and clothe their families.

Today, the National School Lunch Program provides millions of children with low or no cost school meals, but many schools, faced with budgetary and logistical constraints, serve primarily unhealthy, highly processed foods.

But for an increasing number of schools nationwide, adopting a home-grown meal program provides nutritional and educational benefits that are unmatched by more homogeneous options.


Sustainable America on Social

"Does your #bikeshare have #tandembikes or tricycles? @bublrbikes in Milwaukee does! Love seeing all the different options to get people out and experiencing their city without having to drive! [cont.]"


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