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Last night, The Department of Justice released an update to its investigation into Trump’s mishandling of classified documents.
The filing is absolutely damning:
The 54-page filing declares definitively that Trump did not declassify or assert executive privilege over the documents in question.
The DOJ asserts publicly for the first time that Trump and his aides lied in June about returning all classified documents.
The filing revealed that Trump lawyers forbade government personnel from opening certain boxes in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort during their first retrieval.
The filing concludes that Trump and his lawyers likely attempted to obstruct the government’s investigation.
Lying to federal law enforcement, covering up wrongdoing, and obstructing an ongoing federal investigation are major allegations. If substantiated, Trump’s legal woes are only beginning.
If Democrats can defend our Congressional majorities, that is. The 147, Trump’s most loyal sycophants in Congress, have already demonstrated that they will stop at nothing to interfere with the Department of Justice or anyone else attempting to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.
We can’t let that happen, friend. We have a real chance at holding the House and keeping The 147 away from this investigation. Donate now, double down on our recent momentum and secure a significant victory for the rule of law on Election Day. [[link removed]]
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-Operation 147
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Paid for by Operation 147 PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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