Dear friend,

Last Thursday, while most of us were voting, Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) joined other human rights groups in the Hague to present a 350-page dossier to the International Criminal Court – starting a process which could lead to BAE executives being charged with war crimes (1).

Working with the European Center for Constitutional Human Rights, Yemeni organisation Mwatana for Human Rights and others, we aim to persuade prosecutors to investigate whether BAE and other arms companies “purposely intended” to supply weapons to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen, after it became clear that war crimes were being reported.

Next year CAAT will also be in the Supreme Court to defend our Appeal Court victory which declared the licensing of arms sales to Saudi Arabia to be “irrational and therefore unlawful.” And we’ll be working with MPs of all parties to ensure that the government complies with the Court’s ruling.

Will you help us hold the government and the arms companies to account in 2020?

Your donation will mean that we can continue to shine a light on ministers and arms company executives who would love to keep these deadly deals far from public view. 

Please give a gift to CAAT today.

In peace

Campaign Against Arms Trade

PS With a new Prime Minister who has a track record of supporting arms exports to countries like Saudi Arabia, our campaign is more important than ever. Please support us today if you can.



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