Are you with us on this?


I’ll keep this quick because I know we’ve been asking for your support a lot lately:

We’re less than 9 hours from our end-of-month deadline, but $2,053 short of our online goal — so I wanted to personally ask if you could chip in a few bucks before midnight?

Here’s your personal donation link:[email protected]

It blows my mind to think we’re less than 70 days out from Election Day. And that’s why we can’t afford to miss a single fundraising goal — especially this month.

I am determined to show all of Louisiana and Senator Kennedy’s big money special interest donors that we’re an unstoppable people-powered movement. And we won’t take anymore of Kennedy’s self-serving leadership.

November 8th is our chance to stand up and say enough is enough. I know that with your support, we can do it.

So before the end of today, can you chip in whatever you can to help us finish the month strong?

You can donate here:[email protected]

Thanks again,
