We're supporting New American candidates changing the face of leadership
NALAF logo on a dark blue background with photos of Analise Ortiz and David Alexis with the words, "Change is Coming."


Primary season in New York brought all sorts of new challenges to incumbents and political newcomers alike. Last minute redistricting changes, split primaries, and a deluge of dark money meant no one was assured of a clear path to victory. 

Yet with the commitment and support of people like you, New American candidates out-organized the gatekeepers intent on stemming the tide of inclusive democracy.

It was exhilarating to see NALAF endorsee and community organizer Kristen Gonzalez win handily in her New York State Senate race against Elizabeth Crowley, who was flush with funds from the real estate industry and benefitted from her cousin’s Democratic party dynasty. 

Freshman Senator and Caribbean American Jabari Brisport won his primary and gained ground due to his emphasis on delivering constituent services and push to expand tenant rights.

The Actionistas, NALAF’s volunteer team, hosted text banks for these New York endorsees. We sent 53,781 text messages, guaranteeing victory for New American representation in office.

New American voters represent the margin of victory in races all across the country. Will you support NALAF today to help our crucial voter engagement and mobilization efforts?

Together we are building an unstoppable movement. Your donation of $250, $100, $75, or $50 today will support New American victories at the ballot box in November. I hope I can count on your support.

In Solidarity,
Anne Flomenhaft
Political Manager
New American Leaders Action Fund

P.S. Want to get involved in other ways? Join NALAF Actionistas to text in support of New American candidates ahead of the Midterm elections!

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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© 2020 New American Leaders Action Fund