The Florida Seminole County GOP office was vandalized over the weekend with the words “eat s*** Fascists” smeared on the windows.
It's no coincidence that this vandalism comes after Joe Biden called conservatives “semi-fascists.”
When asked about Brandon’s “fascist” comments, his henchman Charlie Crist doubled down saying Biden was just being “honest.”
Didn’t Charlie just last week declare he doesn’t want the vote from anyone who supports Governor DeSantis because they have “hate in their hearts?”
How exactly would you categorize targeting office buildings with threatening messages, Charlie? Is that just someone being “honest?”
Brandon and his crony Charlie campaign on the message of “unifying” the country while in the same breath spew divisive and hateful language to intentionally pit Americans against one another. Stand up against Brandon and Charlie’s hate and division! >>>>
The Democrats’ desire to “unify” this country is about as real as the content pumped out by the smear merchants of the corporate media.
They talk a big game about unity, but has anyone actually seen any real attempts from the Left to unify the nation? We’ll save you the search, the answer is no.
Leftists worked hard at locking you down, indoctrinating our children and making our communities less safe, but their efforts fall short of working towards unity.
That’s because they’re not interested in a unified nation. They’re interested in perpetuating chaos and destruction across the country and treating people that don’t agree with their radical agenda like second-class citizens. Reject Democrats’ radical agenda! >>>>
Charlie’s endorsement of Brandon’s dangerous comments once again shows us he’s not running for Florida. He’s running to be first string on Joe Biden’s team of puppets hellbent on infecting the nation with their woke mind virus.