The patrol runs afoul of a violent street gang
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NY Muslim Patrol Bullies Get Bullied Back by the Bloods
The patrol runs afoul of a violent street gang
West Still Propping Up Alliance of Nazis and Islamist Supremacists
Contributing to today's surge of anti-Semitism
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Mother of San Bernardino Terrorist Fights Justice Dept. to Collect Cash
She wants the money from his life insurance policy
Saudi Student in New Mexico Arrested With Handgun & Hit List
The arrest follows the deadly shooting by a Saudi student in Florida
Readers Write
CAIR Leads Fight for ‘Right’ of Universities to Promote Anti-Semitism
“Read the Hamas charter. That goes way beyond apartheid, and verges on genocide.”
- L.B.
Attacks on Ilhan Omar: Which ‘Facts’ Do They Speak to?
“Any criticism shes received she deserves due to her actions and the words that come out of her mouth. Saying it came out wrong every time you speak is not an excuse.”
- H.F.T.
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