Join this historic nationwide mobilization. Protect the Investigation

Here's the latest --

Last week, House Democrats announced their intent to bring forward two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The release of the two articles carry us into the next phase of the inquiry, starting a countdown on a vote to impeach as early as next week.

At over 600 public events across the country, people are gathering to send a message to Congress to vote ‘YES’ to impeach and remove the president from office. It’s imperative you’re there, too.

Click here to find an event near you, RSVP, and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors.

The impeachment hearings have shown us clear and irrefutable evidence of repeated misconduct carried out by the president. It’s now up to Congress to carry out its job and vote ‘YES’ to impeach the president -- anything less is unacceptable.

Will you join this historic moment by RSVPing for an event near you?

More to come --

The Protect the Investigation Team

© 2019 Protect the Investigation