Make your year-end gift today. Your generosity means so much to veterans.
America's veterans need you. Donate today.

Dear John,


We can’t thank you enough for letting America’s veterans know you’ve got their back when times are tough.


Dedicated men and women who have sacrificed for us and served our nation need our help. They need to know how much you care. You can take action right now to show you’ll never forget they answered the call of duty.


Please make the most generous contribution you can to the 2019 VFW Year-End Campaign and make a difference for veterans today.


Your gift of:

  • $15 can educate 3 VFW Service Officers on the signs of emotional suffering, so they can better direct veterans to the help they need.
  • $25 will inform 1 separating service member about securing the VA benefits they have earned, changing their life forever.
  • $50 can serve 13 morale-boosting meals to service members and their families.

We know our heroes are always in your heart. It means so much that we can count on you to ensure we’re there for each veteran who turns to us for help.


This is a critical time for service members who are struggling. Your support will enable us to get them the benefits and services they have earned – but more than that, you’ll offer them the strength to carry on.


Please make your year-end donation now.


Thank you for giving the gift of hope to our veterans this holiday season.

Look what your gift can do! Donate today.




Kevin C. Jones

Adjutant General

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States


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