I really hate sending emails like this... But there are just hours left until our fundraising deadline, and we are in very real danger of falling short of our goal.


I really hate sending emails like this. But there are just 12 hours left until our end-of-month fundraising deadline, and we are in very real danger of falling short of our goal.

Iowa was one of the closest Senate races in the country in 2020, and the polling shows my race against Chuck Grassley will be even closer this year. Senate control is on the line, and reaching this goal is critical to winning. That’s why a group of donors is MATCHING all gifts up to $50,000 until midnight tonight.

But the only way we’ll raise the last $14,805 we need to defeat Grassley and protect our Senate majority is if grassroots donors like you give now and get every dollar DOUBLED:

Please, can you give $5 or more – whatever you can spare before midnight tonight – and get every dollar DOUBLED to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

Republicans know Grassley is in trouble. That’s why they just booked another $2 million in new TV ads against me in Iowa.

But Nate Silver says Democrats can pick up seats and expand our Senate majority – and this is one of our best opportunities in the country. We cannot afford to miss this goal if we want to turn Iowa blue. I don’t take money from corporate PACs. I rely entirely on grassroots donors like you, so I urgently need your help.

Last month, you pushed us over the top and we exceeded our goal. But right now, I’m counting on you to donate $5 or more before midnight and get every dollar DOUBLED. For the first time ever, every dollar will go TWICE as far toward helping defeat Chuck Grassley and flipping this seat blue.

Here’s the best link to use: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mikefranken_email_match

I am, as always, eternally grateful to have your support,

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy (ret.)