Tell the Biden Administration to stand with Gulf Coast communities and deny the SPOT project permits!

Dear John,

Texas coast residents have been fighting to stop Big Oil giants Enterprise and Enbridge from building a massive crude oil export project through their communities since 2019.

The proposed Sea Port Oil Terminal project—known as “SPOT”—will increase toxic air pollution, harm the health of local residents, threaten wildlife and their marine habitats, and make climate change worse. The pipeline proposal will run from Pearland, Texas to Surfside Beach, Texas alongside many master planned communities.

After three years of massive opposition, the project is now in its final stage of consideration. 

We need your help to finally stop SPOT. Tell the Biden Administration to stand with Gulf Coast communities and the climate and deny the SPOT project permits!


Texas Coast communities are hit the hardest by climate change, which is caused by the emissions from fossil fuel production and use. SPOT will increase these emissions, further harming this region through climate-related disasters such as hurricanes, drought, and extreme heat. 

This is the last opportunity to raise concerns on the SPOT project. We can’t let the fossil fuel industry place pipelines in your backyard and contaminate Gulf wetlands, beaches, air and waters again!

Please stand with communities and the climate and submit a comment today.

Submit Your Comment:

Stand with Texas Gulf Communities to STOP SPOT.

Thank you, 

Chrystal Beasley
Texas Gulf Coast Campaigner, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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