John, will you help protect voters across the country this year?
Here’s why your action is urgently needed. Fringe right-wing election deniers have launched a nationwide campaign of disinformation, confusion, and even attempts at intimidation. Their efforts will only intensify the closer we get to the election — meaning we urgently need to boost our response to drown out this anti-voter noise.
They’re doing this to validate baseless conspiracy theories about our elections — like those pushed by former president Donald Trump when he incited the deadly January 6th attack.
That’s why — in response to this new threat — we’ve launched our largest midterm nonpartisan poll monitor program ever. Our volunteers work tirelessly to identify polling places with the greatest risk of disruption from these anti-voter bullies — and are prepared to make sure everyone can vote safely.
Those volunteers will be backed up by our nationwide network of voting rights and legal experts to help make sure no voter is deterred by this attempted intimidation.
But make no mistake, John: This threat is too serious for us to ignore. So far, this vocal minority of election deniers have announced plans to monitor voters at polling places and drop boxes — and if we don’t respond decisively, their sinister efforts to suppress voters could catch on in even more states.
Here’s the good news: We’ve already seen an overwhelming response from Common Cause members like you who want to do their part and volunteer to protect voters this November.
I know with your help, we’ll be able to ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot free from intimidation. But I want to make sure our program can go even bigger — and that our volunteers can help as many at-risk voters as possible.
John, I’m writing to ask if you will do your part to help us STOP this shameless scheme against voters across the country. Can you rush a contribution in support of our Election Protection campaign today? >>
Thanks for all you do,
The team at Common Cause