Americans will take the streets in support of impeaching and removing Trump from office...

Friend, I wanted to make sure you saw this important message about this week's mobilization -- join us in Washington D.C. tomorrow morning, or find an event near you tonight >>

Dear Friend,

This is our moment to mobilize. Tomorrow, Congress will hold a historic vote on articles of impeachment against President Trump.

So, right before Congress votes, hundreds of Americans will gather in our nation's capitol -- and across the country -- in support of impeaching and removing Trump from office.

We MUST stand together and send a message that nobody -- not lawmakers, the media, or Washington insiders -- can ignore. Find an event near you and RSVP today >>

WHAT: “Nobody Is Above The Law” events
WHERE: Nationwide, in public squares and at congressional offices
WHEN: D.C. event tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. -- other events nationwide this evening


Tomorrow's vote could come right down to the wire. Trump’s attack machine has gone into overdrive to de-legitimize Congress’s constitutional oversight -- spending millions on attack ads to intimidate Democrats and Republicans alike out of supporting impeachment.

That’s why it’s critically important that you join us -- and that you bring as many people with you as you possibly can. The turnout at these events will be a crucial indicator of whether the American people are ready to hold Trump accountable, or are tuning out at this pivotal moment.

Friend, the stakes couldn’t be higher -- and we can’t wait until next year’s election to do something. We have a president who has repeatedly and openly violated our nation’s laws. He’ll keep pushing as far as he is allowed -- including inviting foreign interference in the 2020 election.

Join us as hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans call for Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. We'll gather at the Capitol tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. -- or find an event near you tonight >>

We must make clear, now and for future generations, what lines a President simply cannot be allowed to cross. And, I believe that a full public reckoning of Trump’s wrongdoing will set off a powerful, popular movement for reform -- just like we saw after Watergate.

It’s up to us to make sure Congress uses every constitutional means available to hold this President accountable -- impeachment, but also continuing to investigate Trump’s wrongdoing. And, it’s up to us to make sure that every representative knows we’re watching their vote -- and that history will judge them if they put their party before their country.

Thanks for all you do,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

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